tidak muncul, akhirnya bisa menulis di pena elektronik hehe. Karena sibuk dan
tidak sempat untuk menulis akhirnya menghilang dari peredaran. Tapi setelah
mendapat ilmu baru sepertinya akan ramai lagi blog saya xixixi. Bukan ilmu
memecah gunung, membelah lautan, atau mengecat langit biru menjadi pink
wkwkwkw. Tetapi bagaimana caranya supaya bisa posting otomatis. Di beritahu
sama mas @foeads (lagi), makasih mas bro hahaha.
kembali ke laptop. Mau menulis apa y, setelah vakum beberapa detik hehe. Oh iya
pernah dengar kata “kunduran truk”. “kunduran truk” merupakan sebuah kalimat
dari bahasa jawa. Yang sampai saat ini belum diketahui bahasa indonesianya
(kalau sudah ada yang nemu silahkan d share.
Kunduran truk itu adalah keadaan dimana kita tertabrak truk
yanf berjalan membelakangi kita (bingung kan tapi ngerti maksudnya) hehe.
dalam bahasa inggris kunduran truk
adalah got hit by a truk that is moving
backward. Sebuah kata sederhana yang sangat penting jika di artikan dalam
bahasa inggris begitu panjangnya. Padahal jika itu kejadian nyata, seseorang
pasti akan lebih ngeh kalau dibilang
“awas kunduran truk!!!”. Bahasa jawa sepertinya merupakan bahasa yang bisa
mengartikan suatu keadaan. “kunduran
truk” itu sebagian kecil, selain itu di antaranya:
1.walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road = mlipir.
2. fall backward and then hit own head = nggeblak.
3. got hit by a truck that is moving backward= kunduran trek.
4. talk too much about unimportant thing = cangkeman.
5. smearing one's body with hot ointment or liquid and then massaging it = mblonyo.
6. going without notice/permission = mlethas.
7. taking the longer way to get to the destination= ngalang
8. riding an old bicycle = ngonthel.
9. falling/ tripping forward (and may hit own face)= kejlungup.
10. side effect after circumcision = gendhelen.
11. hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down a volcano = wedhus gembel.
12. a small, sharp thing embedded inside one's skin = susuben/ ketlusupen.
13. spending a lot of time doing nothing = mbathang.
14. feeling uncomfortable because there is something that smells bad = kambon.
15. things getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity = mbrojol.
16. get hit by thing collapsing on top of one's head/ body = kambrukan/ kembrukan.
17. drinking straight from the bottle without using glass, where whole bottle tip gets into the mouth = ngokop.
18. cannot open eyes because something is shining very bright = blereng.
29. cannot hold bowel movement = ngebrok.
20. something coming out from one's rear end little by little = keceret/ kecirit.
21. hanging on tightly to something in order to be inert = gondhelan.
22. falling/ tripping accidentally because of a hole = kejeglong.
23. doing something without thinking about the consequences = cenanangan.
24. being overly active carelessly = pecicilan.
25. feeling unwell because of cold temperature = katisen
2. fall backward and then hit own head = nggeblak.
3. got hit by a truck that is moving backward= kunduran trek.
4. talk too much about unimportant thing = cangkeman.
5. smearing one's body with hot ointment or liquid and then massaging it = mblonyo.
6. going without notice/permission = mlethas.
7. taking the longer way to get to the destination= ngalang
8. riding an old bicycle = ngonthel.
9. falling/ tripping forward (and may hit own face)= kejlungup.
10. side effect after circumcision = gendhelen.
11. hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down a volcano = wedhus gembel.
12. a small, sharp thing embedded inside one's skin = susuben/ ketlusupen.
13. spending a lot of time doing nothing = mbathang.
14. feeling uncomfortable because there is something that smells bad = kambon.
15. things getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity = mbrojol.
16. get hit by thing collapsing on top of one's head/ body = kambrukan/ kembrukan.
17. drinking straight from the bottle without using glass, where whole bottle tip gets into the mouth = ngokop.
18. cannot open eyes because something is shining very bright = blereng.
29. cannot hold bowel movement = ngebrok.
20. something coming out from one's rear end little by little = keceret/ kecirit.
21. hanging on tightly to something in order to be inert = gondhelan.
22. falling/ tripping accidentally because of a hole = kejeglong.
23. doing something without thinking about the consequences = cenanangan.
24. being overly active carelessly = pecicilan.
25. feeling unwell because of cold temperature = katisen
sekian dulu, kalau ada lagi silahkan di tambah hehe.
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